July 1, 2012

Travelling on Zest Air from Manila to Cagayan De Oro City

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Domestic Airport, Pasay City
The waiting area for the arrival in old domestic airport in Manila, formerly called as MIA or Manila International Airport, its around 2:00 in the morning when I took this shoot (noticed few peoplein the waiting area since first flight is around 4:00am)

Domestic Airport, Pasay City
 Lonely pathway to the entrance door in MIA or Manila International Airport, not even a single security guard can be seen at around 2:00am

Domestic Airport, Pasay City
The first security check in the old domestic airport (w/ Luggage x-ray) 
Domestic Airport, Pasay City
Check-In time
Domestic Airport, Pasay City
Final security check before you enter the pre-departure area where you have to remove your shoes.
Domestic Airport, Pasay City
Inside the pre-departure area, wating for the scheduled flight.
Domestic Airport, Pasay City

Domestic Airport, Pasay City

A view of Metro Manila from Zest Airline around 0400H 


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